Stop Blaming Avocados

Wage Justice: Building Equity in the Non Profit World

Chava Vietze Season 1 Episode 5

Anu Menon is the Executive Director of Oasis for Girls, a non-profit based in San Francisco focused on empowering girls and supporting them with resources to enact equitable, inclusive change. Anu's career has been rooted in a passion and desire to help heal the world's problems.

In this week's episode, Anu and Chava discuss wage justice with a focus on the non-profit sector where there's a stigma that to do non-profit work, folks have to accept that they will earn below market-rate wages while they're doing pivotal, life-changing work for their communities. Anu shares success she's had in helping to improve wage inequality for non-profits, challenges that non-profits have and continue to face, and to help donors, organizations, and more by sharing an inside look into how non-profits can be better supported. As Anu says, "The conversation is around the myth of nonprofit workers being paid substandard wages and accepting that. Because the other side of it is that there's a high cost to low wages, right? So you have a systematic devaluation of nonprofit employees."  Listen to learn more. 

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